Professional tips on how to analyse your pool water for it to be perfect all year round. Discover the tools available and find out what they do.
Professional tips to learn how to keep pool water clean and balanced throughout the year in just four steps. Find out more!
¿The summer is already here and you want to start using your pool but you are not sure what to do before using it? Keep reading to find out how to do it
The first thing to take into consideration is the water temperature should be at a minimum of 15-20°C (above 70 degrees). If this is the case, follow this simple and practical advice:
Did you know that high temperatures can affect the water quality of your pool, promote the growth of bacteria and algae, and ultimately interfere with your swimming experience?
¿Has the time for your vacation come, and you’ve decided to go on a trip, but you’re worried about maintaining your pool while you’re away from home?
Don't worry. Keep reading to discover how to properly treat your pool before going on vacations and avoid issues with your pool when you return.
With the arrival of swimming season, pool maintenance and disinfection become very important. Until a few years ago, the only alternative for home pool maintenance and disinfection was chlorine. That's why they are called "chlorine pools" because they are treated with chlorine.