
CTX-17 Genbrom

Turns the active chlorine in salt chlorinators into bromine to disinfect the pool

  • The disinfecting efficiency of bromine is not reduced in contact with organic matter
  • More pleasant bathing, without eyes irritation and unpleasant odors
  • Ideal for indoor pools treated with salt chlorinators
Where to buy


The generated hypochlorous acid in the electrolysis acts as a generator of ctx17 GENBROM and hypobromous
acid. The hypobromous acid has a higher disinfection effectiveness and algaecide action than other oxidants in
a pH scale between 7 and 8.
The high oxidant capacity of hypobromous acid allows the destruction of all organic materials present in the
water. Ctx17 GENBROM doesn’t add organic materials to the swimming pool water.
The bromamines do not cause eye irritation or unpleasant smells. Therefore the product is an ideal product for
treating water in spas and indoor swimming pools, with a disinfection system by means of salt electrolysis.

CODE Description
23117 5 Kg
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Instructions for use


Swimming pools with salt electrolysis:
Initial treatment: The salt has to be added directly in the swimming pool water with the filtering equipment working, and the valve in position re-circulation. Afterwards add Genbrom.
Set the electrochlorinator to obtain a value of Bromine between 2 or 3 mg/l. which can be measured with a pH/Bromine test Kit. This control should be carried out at least twice daily.

Maintenance treatment: Add Genbrom and salt in the skimmers. Then, switch on the filtering equipment, in position re-circulation. The product can also be poured directly in the swimming pool water.
Pools with chlorine treatment (organic or inorganic):
Add Genbrom in the interior of the skimmers, with the filtration system on or Gen brom can also be poured directly into the swimming pool’s surface if spread evenly.


Swimming pools with salt electrolysis:
Initial treatment: When the electrochlorinator starts working, dissolve 30 or 40 KGs of salt each 10m3
of water.Next, add 600gr of product each 10m3 of water.
Maintenance treatment: Add 500 g. of product per 25 Kgs of salt each 10 m3 of water in the skimmers. The
salt must be added due to the decrease in saline concentration as a result of filter washing, etc

Pools with chlorine treatment (organic or inorganic):
Initial treatment: Dissolve 600 g. of product per 10 m3 of water.
Maintenance treatment: Add 500 g. of product per 10 m3 of water

These doses are merely meant as a guideline, and can be modified in function of each swimming pool
characteristic, weather, etc.

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Product data sheet

  • Product Data Sheet 0017CB0B5CME EN


Safety Data Sheet

  • Safety Data Sheet 0017CB0B5CME EN
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