Pool winter care products are an essential to look after your pool over the winter. The main benefit is keeping your pool water clear and clean over the winter, maintaining it in a good condition, so that it is easy and quick to get it up and running for the following swimming pool season, considerably reducing the costs of this.
At CTX we advise you on how to keep your pool in the best possible conditions throughout the winter. Doing this is an essential part of maintaining and protecting your pool equipment. There are several duties which need to be taken care of and specialist products which need to be used. To find out how to correctly look after your pool over the winter, take a look at our tips at: (add link to article: “Steps to follow to look after your pool over winter”)
Over the winter, pools tend to accumulate lime, algae and microorganisms if they are not looked after. It must be stressed that winter care is not just covering over the pool. The wintering process usually lasts for nine months, but this can depend on the weather conditions in the area. You should continue to care for your pool as normal for as long as the temperature does not drop below 15ºC. This means that the wintering process starts once the water temperature is lower than 15ºC.
It is easy to keep your pool water in a good condition up until the start of the swimming pool season if we use the right products, such as those included in the CTX catalogue, within its Winter Range:
CTX-550 WinterStar. This winter care product is ideal for inground pools. It prevents bacteria and algae from forming in the water and also stops water from stagnating, as well as the build-up of limescale and sediment. It also helps when cleaning the pool come spring and does not foam. CTX-550 WinterStar is added directly to the pool water, the day after a hyperchlorination treatment is done using Dichloride in Granules CTX-200GR ClorShock with a balanced pH level (between 7.2 and 7.6) and then running the filter for as long as is needed to equally distribute the product and for it to take effect. It is highly recommended that the product is added again halfway through the winter period.
CTX-551C WinterStar Liner Power. This is a special concentrate winter care product, which is especially effective in liner or polyester pools. It prevents the formation of algae and bacteria. It is used in the same way as the previous product: it is added at the end of the summer season, the day after a hyperchlorination treatment is done with CTX-200GR ClorShock. The pH levels of the water should remain between 7.2 and 7.6. Likewise, it is highly recommended to repeat this halfway through the winter period.
CTX-235 Sleepy. This winter care treatment includes its own floating dispenser. It addition to preventing water stagnation and the build-up of bacteria and algae, it also keeps the water clean. It is triple action formula: a disinfectant, algicide, and flocculant. It is the ideal product for inground pools. It helps and facilitates water recovery at the start of the swimming pool season. Use: make a hole in the marked circles on both sides with a sharp instrument (scissors, for example) so that the holes are big enough for the water to enter the dispenser. Next, place the dispenser cap-side down in the water and leave it to float there. Use one dispenser per 50 m3 of wintered water. It should be left there for around 4 to 6 weeks. Do not attempt to refill or reuse the dispenser, it is a single use product.
To look after your pool correctly over winter why not reach out to our experts for advice. They can advise you on how to best deal with any situations, as well as on the best way to winter your pool. Pool winter treatment means that you can have clean and reusable water throughout the year.