Bromine for pools can be an excellent choice when disinfecting water and to prevent any allergic reactions that many people suffer from with other products. It is also a great choice for those pools which, due to the climate of its location and prolonged sun exposure, are usually subject to high temperatures. It should also be used in hot tubs and any water which is over 28ºC, as well as covered pools, as it is an odourless product.
Bromine is a powerful oxidant with the same disinfectant power as chlorine, although chlorine is a more common choice. Its reliability as a disinfectant is very high, and it is very tolerant to high pH levels.
It also does not let off a strong or unpleasant smell, which is usually the case with other products. It is not very corrosive or volatile in comparison to others.
So, while other pool chemicals need some kind of stabiliser agent (trichloroisocyanuric acid) to guarantee that the disinfectant properties will last when subjected to the sun’s ultraviolet rays, bromine does not need this, as it remains stable. A stabiliser or stabiliser agent is accumulated in the pool water and can cause multiple issues such as corrosion, this is not the case with bromine. Due to its intrinsic benefits, bromine could be one of the best options when it comes to pool disinfectant treatments.
In the CTX catalogue there are slow disinfection and continuous pool maintenance tablets. These are very powerful as bactericides and fungicides, and also help to fight against any viruses. Bromine does not irritate the nose or eyes and is also known for its resistance to sudden temperature changes or changes with the water’s pH levels.
With a pH level of between 7.2 and 7.6, the bromine tablet dispenser is filled, and then regulates the dispensing to ensure the desired level or waste bromine.